Sunday, June 25, 2006

Jazz Up Your Teaching With Technology

Tim McGee: "Instructional Design of Teaching and Learning In Libraries"

Pedagogical beaded curtains
Alt title = Pimp my lesson plan! (awesome)
It can promote rich learning used well
Digital tech can be overwhelming but IT can help librarians develop good uses

1. IT (not)=IT – info tech not same as instructional tech, instruction not equal to learning

2. what do librarians know about teaching? What do profs/ teachers know about teaching? Do they get education on teaching in college? Not teaching that matters, its learning

3. teaching or training? Half and half, hard to tell apart, use same tech, is learner fundamentally changed? Lib inst + some tool training and some info lit(learning)

ISD model: analysis, design, development, implementation, evauation – behaviorism

New London group: multiliteracy – transform person and give meaning, transform society by making people communicators not consumers. Good for IL instruction

uc-denver, instructional design model website:

middle ground constructivist: ownership of problem and issues. Gaming as learning tool.

Alphabet is technology!!

Each tech DEMANDS different literacies

Captivate: flash and QT movies

Q: How long good QT movie?
A: What your learners will tolerate. Training not leaning.

Q: What do you use for online tutorials?
A; Authorware made for instruction, Flash/ macromedia studio, getting more instructional tools, iLife

Q: 3 mins good length for tutorials, use camtasia
A; like captivate best but others work, will do QT or flash

Q: Averse effects of tech on teaching/ learning?
A: plato said writing will wreck memory, don’t make stuff just eye candy. Likes e-version of texts better

Q; unintelligible from back of room non-repeated q about learning theory. Tufty?
A; tech like ppt not bad in and of itself, use ppt as composing tool in speech class, not a likely to have tons of pages of text in presentation (he had lots of text in presentation and read some of it!)

Q: what to do when students come in w/o topics for LI?
A; student not allowed to own topic student not engaged, work w/ folks who assign topics


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